Each of the following 50 websites is sorted by Tranco rank and loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection.
Tranco Rank | Website |
60 | apache.org |
64 | myshopify.com |
72 | w3.org |
159 | gnu.org |
167 | go.com |
181 | nginx.org |
244 | hugedomains.com |
319 | washington.edu |
323 | deviantart.com |
410 | allaboutcookies.org |
436 | moatads.com |
478 | yimg.com |
717 | redfin.com |
760 | padlet.com |
831 | sectigo.com |
837 | adsymptotic.com |
898 | genius.com |
946 | icio.us |
947 | tremorhub.com |
953 | myworkdayjobs.com |
970 | typekit.net |
973 | crunchyroll.com |
1,012 | rs6.net |
1,048 | netdna-ssl.com |
1,050 | wa.gov |
1,088 | bu.edu |
1,108 | wildapricot.org |
1,193 | pendo.io |
1,214 | faqs.org |
1,243 | brightcove.net |
1,266 | taleo.net |
1,305 | wikidot.com |
1,315 | ihg.com |
1,372 | youronlinechoices.eu |
1,459 | videolan.org |
1,473 | tinypic.com |
1,613 | etherscan.io |
1,645 | metmuseum.org |
1,659 | openoffice.org |
1,766 | zazzle.com |
1,790 | sourceware.org |
1,837 | clickfunnels.com |
1,843 | bit.do |
1,876 | srvtrck.com |
1,894 | viglink.com |
1,902 | tynt.com |
1,918 | hwcdn.net |
1,936 | squid-cache.org |
1,994 | sendgrid.net |
2,012 | buffalo.edu |
If you're responsible for a website and aren't sure why HTTPS is important or would like resources to help make the transition, try these: