

The Most Popular Websites Loaded Insecurely

Each of the following 48 websites is sorted by Tranco rank and loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection.

Tranco Rank Website
33,473 kisscenter.net
48,263 ghosthis.review
62,193 gorenje.com
69,712 rumenestrani.si
74,250 najdi.si
87,580 betoo.si
89,395 elitetorrent.si
96,585 tenis-klubmoj.si
98,084 adria.si
104,260 shrani.si
119,602 partis.si
125,968 servis-pintar.si
126,026 pisrs.si
132,145 xn--zobozdravstvo-kriaj-wfe.si
139,604 vecer.com
140,996 tops.si
171,621 biomedtech.si
172,554 urusoft.net
193,048 csd-radovljica.si
227,514 chaine.si
231,153 block.si
249,289 radio1.si
264,202 dlib.si
304,502 vreme-ziri.si
314,837 velenje.com
320,673 writemonkey.com
369,117 mojforum.si
373,112 samsvojmajstor.com
388,299 ung.si
407,033 tvsporedi.si
413,891 sos112.si
416,381 mg-lj.si
418,559 defenddemocracy.press
462,043 viva.si
469,643 gorenjskiglas.si
496,732 ringaraja.net
543,168 mojblink.si
549,035 ergonomija.com
620,497 papyri.info
638,001 vogel.si
678,680 oglasi.si
720,116 nangaspace.com
775,644 geopedia.si
796,299 portalplus.si
853,786 controlpanel.si
868,440 kozjansko.info
874,810 vsikatalogi.si
984,438 termania.net

Resources for Going HTTPS

If you're responsible for a website and aren't sure why HTTPS is important or would like resources to help make the transition, try these:

  1. Does My Site Need HTTPS?
  2. HTTPS Is Easy!
  3. Here's Why Your Static Website Needs HTTPS
  4. Is TLS Fast Yet?
  5. HTTP vs HTTPS Speed Test
  6. Understanding HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
  7. What Every Developer Must Know About HTTPS