Each of the following 42 websites is sorted by Tranco rank and loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection.
Tranco Rank | Website |
10,321 | artisany.net |
20,434 | toptechtalk.xyz |
25,323 | defimedia.best |
25,337 | taghaugh.com |
33,726 | egybest.zone |
37,104 | unjobs.org |
39,153 | 1bestm0d31.com |
40,583 | betteradsystem.com |
43,210 | khabtanews.com |
44,497 | anightsregalia.cam |
44,608 | ttinteractive.com |
46,562 | egybest.ink |
47,185 | dexchangegenius.com |
48,178 | ez4mods.com |
57,237 | gecko.me |
62,072 | trade-work.club |
65,723 | alharakalseyasi.com |
76,960 | blastcahs.com |
91,189 | suna-news.com |
98,555 | zaindsp.com |
102,264 | genpassword.top |
105,010 | left4code.com |
105,584 | egybest.casa |
119,135 | red-castle.net |
129,589 | dailynews-finance.com |
142,840 | bajnews.net |
152,156 | nmsf.gov.sd |
164,232 | arabo.com |
186,830 | megaurl.in |
231,494 | alsoug.com |
298,824 | softwaresea.com |
301,221 | nmpb.gov.sd |
335,225 | worldtracer.aero |
337,403 | moe.gov.sd |
351,680 | cloudhosting.co.uk |
387,071 | admission.gov.sd |
416,020 | sabanew.net |
488,712 | mohe.gov.sd |
528,638 | arabteam2000-forum.com |
705,779 | mina7.net |
944,326 | gmoe.gov.sd |
962,595 | ust.edu.sd |
If you're responsible for a website and aren't sure why HTTPS is important or would like resources to help make the transition, try these: