

The Most Popular Websites Loaded Insecurely

Each of the following 50 websites is sorted by Tranco rank and loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection.

Tranco Rank Website
17,293 mae.ro
19,853 filmeserialeonline.org
20,916 rarbgmirror.org
23,278 waaw.to
23,871 best-hashtags.com
27,611 uv.ro
30,637 just.ro
31,990 carparts-cat.com
32,265 githack.com
37,286 hqq.to
38,271 xhost.ro
43,805 cndt.ro
47,557 rarbgp2p.org
48,557 tvron.net
51,250 tibiscum.ro
56,582 greco-catolicii.ro
58,583 forhe.ro
58,868 cdep.ro
59,682 misctraff.com
61,338 inst-puscariu.ro
62,606 braicoop.ro
63,931 achcdn.com
65,008 tvr.ro
65,425 trafic.ro
75,233 3x.ro
77,300 wdazone.ro
82,913 flashwns.click
84,799 deltarangers.ro
85,697 reformhaz.hu
93,761 iuliuconstruct.ro
95,046 bucatareasa.ro
98,687 rsssf.com
100,679 urologbun.ro
103,400 studiograph.ro
103,498 ejobs.ro
103,856 madcom.ro
104,363 kogaionon.ro
105,136 ms.ro
105,266 rossiforyou.com
109,067 civilgeodesign.ro
109,415 ucdc.ro
109,908 kesheromania.ro
111,413 ngfproduct.ro
111,563 credor.ro
111,589 e-licitatie.ro
115,930 fastwebdesign.ro
117,233 ponk.pro
117,403 cnscbt.ro
118,043 hotelcorso.ro
118,621 deleanu.ro

Resources for Going HTTPS

If you're responsible for a website and aren't sure why HTTPS is important or would like resources to help make the transition, try these:

  1. Does My Site Need HTTPS?
  2. HTTPS Is Easy!
  3. Here's Why Your Static Website Needs HTTPS
  4. Is TLS Fast Yet?
  5. HTTP vs HTTPS Speed Test
  6. Understanding HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
  7. What Every Developer Must Know About HTTPS