

The Most Popular Websites Loaded Insecurely

Each of the following 44 websites is sorted by Tranco rank and loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection.

Tranco Rank Website
8,754 brainly.lat
28,608 falabella.com.pe
42,136 netu.io
50,451 boosterblog.es
68,510 perueduca.pe
76,222 grandeslibros.com.pe
84,082 perurail.com
106,733 upn.edu.pe
112,874 formadoresdigitales.pe
124,197 lucidez.pe
132,948 pacifico.com.pe
159,315 unjbg.edu.pe
181,148 generaccion.com
182,478 dragonbound.net
183,339 mtc.gob.pe
190,664 ipmingenieros.com.pe
191,802 centralrestaurante.com.pe
218,304 consulado.pe
265,135 clika.pe
267,852 rarbgweb.org
280,087 uss.edu.pe
289,347 softnyx.com
302,710 cronicaviva.com.pe
312,042 laindustria.pe
314,824 e3.pe
317,054 drelm.gob.pe
320,352 udh.edu.pe
340,905 natura.com.pe
374,251 boozet.org
375,417 unica.edu.pe
404,901 utero.pe
437,290 upt.edu.pe
513,263 usat.edu.pe
539,370 grade.org.pe
540,550 regionsanmartin.gob.pe
555,971 mivivienda.com.pe
567,159 codigopostal.gob.pe
587,609 empleosperu.gob.pe
610,069 bancofalabella.com
647,145 historiadelnuevomundo.com
726,289 gogeometry.com
762,906 mimovistar.com.pe
777,839 infoartes.pe
847,836 rree.gob.pe

Resources for Going HTTPS

If you're responsible for a website and aren't sure why HTTPS is important or would like resources to help make the transition, try these:

  1. Does My Site Need HTTPS?
  2. HTTPS Is Easy!
  3. Here's Why Your Static Website Needs HTTPS
  4. Is TLS Fast Yet?
  5. HTTP vs HTTPS Speed Test
  6. Understanding HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
  7. What Every Developer Must Know About HTTPS