Each of the following 50 websites is sorted by Tranco rank and loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection.
Tranco Rank | Website |
12,000 | bme.hu |
14,412 | mplayerhq.hu |
16,469 | uw.hu |
33,850 | freemail.hu |
36,118 | oszk.hu |
38,811 | freeweb.hu |
44,416 | hir24.hu |
44,602 | lovasok.hu |
49,055 | atv.hu |
51,452 | phototrans.hu |
52,032 | gportal.hu |
53,291 | drdiag.hu |
60,703 | centrumnet.hu |
62,007 | funtech.hu |
62,399 | fw.hu |
64,591 | police.hu |
65,461 | parlament.hu |
67,444 | c3.hu |
67,797 | blogger.hu |
68,476 | lovasszovetseg.hu |
71,036 | ksh.hu |
73,317 | tlap.hu |
78,000 | kecskesszerviz.hu |
84,665 | shp.hu |
84,701 | alkobeerprojekt.hu |
85,152 | elblaugrana.hu |
87,908 | nol.hu |
88,991 | dronforum.hu |
89,169 | festekuzletek.hu |
91,258 | hendon.hu |
95,328 | monarchiaerembolt.hu |
98,821 | hightechmania.hu |
99,497 | demoscene.hu |
100,608 | bithumen.be |
101,625 | nyme.hu |
108,794 | ize.hu |
109,793 | horvathortho.hu |
113,264 | uleshuzataruhaz.hu |
113,670 | olo.hu |
114,831 | alina.hu |
115,186 | archishade.hu |
115,286 | merlegdoktor.hu |
117,933 | jobbmintatv.hu |
119,561 | divat.hu |
121,269 | castrolmintabolt.hu |
122,258 | hifitness.hu |
122,561 | kcss.hu |
124,077 | gpszone.hu |
129,261 | linky.hu |
131,282 | animesekai.hu |
If you're responsible for a website and aren't sure why HTTPS is important or would like resources to help make the transition, try these: