United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Most Popular Websites Loaded Insecurely

Each of the following 50 websites is sorted by Tranco rank and loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection.

Tranco Rank Website
2,143 imperial.ac.uk
5,514 open.edu
6,146 argos.co.uk
6,265 reading.ac.uk
7,651 foodnetwork.co.uk
8,584 websitehome.co.uk
8,853 lush.com
11,003 lycos.co.uk
11,447 entitytag.co.uk
12,364 waitrose.com
12,510 gridhosted.co.uk
12,957 thisvid.com
14,378 anglican.org
14,922 moneysupermarket.com
15,529 tandf.co.uk
15,641 royal.gov.uk
17,009 tui.co.uk
17,575 three.co.uk
18,513 zuphaims.com
19,381 channel5.com
19,635 streetmap.co.uk
21,479 cebm.net
22,507 imagehost.org
23,284 affiliatefuture.com
24,937 urbansketchers.org
26,246 stawhoph.com
27,103 dominos.co.uk
27,839 insearch.site
29,625 icnetwork.co.uk
29,824 inskinad.com
30,001 v3.co.uk
30,122 local.gov.uk
30,174 dublincore.org
30,244 scan.co.uk
31,366 hearthhaven.co.uk
31,407 siau.co.uk
31,443 chinese-embassy.org.uk
31,709 thetruthseeker.co.uk
32,373 citywire.co.uk
33,595 regmedia.co.uk
34,127 maximarkets.org
34,511 allowsuccess.org
35,556 veporno.net
36,168 time-to-change.org.uk
36,678 darwin-online.org.uk
36,870 weebls-stuff.com
40,069 skybet.com
40,603 stackstaging.com
40,726 comparestoreprices.co.uk
40,807 oxfordeye.co.uk

Resources for Going HTTPS

If you're responsible for a website and aren't sure why HTTPS is important or would like resources to help make the transition, try these:

  1. Does My Site Need HTTPS?
  2. HTTPS Is Easy!
  3. Here's Why Your Static Website Needs HTTPS
  4. Is TLS Fast Yet?
  5. HTTP vs HTTPS Speed Test
  6. Understanding HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
  7. What Every Developer Must Know About HTTPS