Each of the following 19 websites is sorted by Tranco rank and loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection.
Tranco Rank | Website |
20,158 | pichincha.com |
62,396 | espol.edu.ec |
69,717 | happyplanetindex.org |
72,828 | nativeweb.org |
74,460 | ug.edu.ec |
90,897 | cne.gob.ec |
114,182 | serving.com.ec |
140,186 | senescyt.gob.ec |
194,289 | utmachala.edu.ec |
206,676 | ecuadorlegalonline.com |
214,931 | miclaro.com.ec |
267,613 | forosecuador.ec |
392,231 | igepn.edu.ec |
463,184 | supercines.com |
500,589 | ecuadorencifras.gob.ec |
677,631 | planificacion.gob.ec |
772,996 | c-movil.com.ec |
817,916 | ulvr.edu.ec |
864,172 | atm.gob.ec |
If you're responsible for a website and aren't sure why HTTPS is important or would like resources to help make the transition, try these: