

The Most Popular Websites Loaded Insecurely

Each of the following 50 websites is sorted by Tranco rank and loads over an insecure connection without redirecting to a secure, encrypted connection.

Tranco Rank Website
8,995 falabella.com
13,912 bci.cl
15,847 elmercurio.com
33,328 dospuntoseventos.cl
45,605 lanacion.cl
49,702 scotiabank.cl
60,313 2baksa.ws
64,884 kubica.cl
67,578 ciel.cl
71,253 ucn.cl
72,719 inacap.cl
74,918 wikiartesania.cl
75,504 scotiabankchile.cl
78,694 planetsoft.cl
85,455 hites.com
88,996 diarioeldia.cl
94,016 solnishkoadvertising.com
95,040 pucv.cl
102,683 koogpropiedades.cl
103,256 ucv.cl
104,344 dulceflauta.cl
106,429 ubiobio.cl
110,992 junkraiders.cl
114,147 devpay.cl
116,388 academiapromusica.cl
116,891 danielsanmartin.cl
118,793 logisticos.cl
121,741 indoorview.cl
123,005 shorterall.com
123,726 rockandpop.cl
123,971 constructoratamarugal.cl
125,060 sercosa.cl
126,071 vibromine.cl
130,857 creacion21.cl
131,533 envirochem.cl
142,218 jsgestioninmobiliaria.cl
145,369 memoriachilena.cl
157,047 isaprebanmedica.cl
160,688 dirtrab.cl
171,392 registrosocial.gob.cl
173,427 atonchile.cl
175,320 uta.cl
176,345 sodimac.com
182,047 futubandera.cl
185,199 emb.cl
187,062 radioactiva.cl
192,377 facturacion.cl
227,312 telefoniacentro.cl
229,345 sanraimundo.cl
229,463 sernageomin.cl

Resources for Going HTTPS

If you're responsible for a website and aren't sure why HTTPS is important or would like resources to help make the transition, try these:

  1. Does My Site Need HTTPS?
  2. HTTPS Is Easy!
  3. Here's Why Your Static Website Needs HTTPS
  4. Is TLS Fast Yet?
  5. HTTP vs HTTPS Speed Test
  6. Understanding HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
  7. What Every Developer Must Know About HTTPS